Monday, July 28, 2008

Safe and semi-sound

Yes, I am safe and still somewhat sane. My movements have kept ahead of the bombs and any other serious trouble so far. India is so much bigger than it looks on the maps, but then again, you know the American reputation in regards to geography ;)

Frankly, I think I have hit my limit though...I am exhausted physically and rather cranky a lot. In an ironical turn of events, I realized I feel much less spiritual here than at home. Between the communication issues, being a female traveling alone in a "traditional" country, and everyone wanting to get me to go a long with their agendas, I am finding myself feeling like I have to respond very aggressively and with a lack of subtlety and nuance that my inner poet finds appalling. A lot of the time though people are trying to cajole you into doing stuff or buying stuff and "NO" doesn't seem to register. Maybe I better find out the Hindi word for "No, I don't want to buy an overpriced statue" or "No, if you are a rickshaw driver with bad teeth, there is absolutely no chance in us getting married and you getting a green card, no matter how much flattery you try to ply me with."

I'm planning on flying out to Nepal on Wednesday, so there is a lot going on there too. Then back to Delhi, then NJ, and then home!!! I miss my kitty, Almira so much. And my bed, I really miss my bed, and my rum slurpees by the pool. More soon.

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