Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Rose By Any Other Name or Sacred Shit Still Stinks

Ok, well I have to get candid here. This is a stinky place and I am grateful on a regular basis for my lack of nasal sensitivity. It's cool and all that cows are sacred, but negotiating the poop in the streets, especially with luggage, can be a drag. Even walking is challenging. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I fell again and split open the cut on my right knee. Varanasi is full of poop; there is cow poop, water buffalo poop, cat (not many though) poop, dog poop, goat poop, bird poop, rat & mice poop, and of course, human poop to contend with. No wonder I got sick. After a few days of extreme pooping myself, I finally realized that I had other symptoms of a bacterial infection, such as a low grade fever and sore throat. Thanks Dr. B for the meds. I don't know what kind of shape I would be in without them.

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